
Kai Green

Dramaturg, Pro-feminist, Social Enterprise Administrator

My academic writing works at the intersection of gender studies, continental philosophy and European performance dramaturgy. As an ambassador for the White Ribbon Campaign, I have followed a year of supporting their work through workshops and speaking engagements by initiating a new campaign on gender diversity in Arts organizations. Following my degree this year, I am keen to ground my investigations in current debates on the role of the state in addressing gender crimes and abuses.

I have worked as a dramaturg in text-based theatre and dance, attempting to bring out the contradictions of the dramaturg’s role and expectations: the “insider/outsider” of the devising process; the advocate for the as-yet unassembled audience; the archivist and the catalyst. My major influence in this work has been the (ethically and politically conflicted) position of men in gender studies – as the dramaturg for the ‘Women@Rada Collective (2015), and through the White Ribbon Campaign, I have been active in using theatre as an apparatus for asking questions of gender(ed) ethics. My degree is in Theatre and Philosophy, from Royal Holloway, and I have volunteered with work on social histories. As the archivist for the social history of Cumberland Lodge, for example, I created a readable narrative and timeline of the Lodge’s tumultuous beginning – as a conference house of Christian Philosophy to resist the corruption of the young by Nazi ideology.

November 18, 2016

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