
Karen Hobbs

Writer, performer and funny female.

Karen is the number one fan of her vagina. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2014, at the age of 24 and performs stand-up comedy about the whole debacle. She gave birth to her debut solo show 'Tumour Has It' in 2016. Spreading the message about gynaecological health as widely as possible and hopefully with humour, she created her blog 'Quarter-Life Cancer', has written articles for The Independent, The Huffington Post, iPaper and The Telegraph. She has been interviewed by BBC Radio 1, Radio 4 Woman's Hour, Radio 5 Live, Sky News, London Live and The Evening Standard, taking every opportunity to talk about signs, symptoms and squash the stigma that surrounds having a disease in between your legs. Karen works for The Eve Appeal, a charity dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research into earlier detection and prevention of the five gynaecological cancers. This makes her feel like a decent human.