
Katharine Sacks-Jones

Director of Agenda, the alliance for women and girls at risk

Katharine became the inaugural Director of Agenda, the alliance for women and girls at risk, in May 2015. She brings 15 years’ experience working across policy, campaigns, public affairs and parliament. She is an expert in social policy and has a track record of influencing the policy, political and media agendas and bringing about policy change for marginalised groups including securing new primary legislation to protect private tenants whose landlords are repossessed; funding for homelessness services and programmes; and the prevention of specific benefit cuts. Katharine has sat on a number of government advisory groups including currently the Advisory Board for Female Offenders and she co-chairs the Women’s Mental Health Taskforce at the Department of Health. Before joining Agenda, Katharine led the Policy & Campaign team at Crisis. She has written extensively on issues around social exclusion including for the Guardian, Telegraph, Huffington Post and New Statesman as well as sector and specialist publications.