
Kathleen Kelly

Housing Research Manager at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Kathleen works in JRF's place team and has previously managed JRF programmes on the 2001 Census, Understanding Housing Markets, Housing Markets and Ethnicity as well as a range of projects on affordable housing issues including social housing, planning, shared ownership and homelessness.

Before joining JRF Kathleen was a Government social researcher for 4 years, previously working as an advice worker for Shelter in Lancashire and a rural Citizens Advice Bureau in Cumbria as well as having spent time in private practice in a provincial law firm.

Kathleen is currently a member of the Housing Studies Association Committee and is on the editorial board for the People, Place and Policy on-line journal. She is also a peer reviewer for the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute and a board member for Yorkshire Housing.

November 11, 2013

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