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Co-author, 'Secret Female Hormone'
My current practice of medicine is in the area of Anti-Aging medicine, but specializing in bio-identical hormones in a pellet delivery system, for both women and men. My practice is called BioBalance Health, and is located in St. Louis, Missouri, specifically Creve Coeur suburb
I join forces with My Co-author, Brett Newcomb to tape weekly Podcasts and U-tube videos on hormonal issues, and anti-aging strategies, diet, exercise and recent study results.
My practice consists of three Nurse Practitioners, an RN, and Medical Assistants as well as Office staff. My patient population draws from all over the US, Britain, Germany, Italy, Australia, Japan and Mexico. We have one affiliate in Pasadena California, Dr. Jen Park who offers pellet replacement in her OBGYN office.
I am board certified and re-certified in OB/GYN, a Fellow of the ACOG, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and am now a retired member, because I retired from delivering babies and doing GYN office and surgery. I am currently a member of the Endocrine Society, the American Association of Anti-Aging Physicians (A4M) and the anti-aging group AMMG. I have served in the St. Louis and Missouri Medical Society as an officer and active member.
For ten years I provided expert witness services for lawyers like my husband who defend doctors and hospitals. To do that well you must take some cases against doctors as well, and review them to see if there is merit in the cases. I did this for enough time to understand the tort system and to help both doctors and patients get a fair shake. In the early 2000’s I helped pass the tort reform law in Missouri by working with the State Medical Society as their Assistant Speaker of the House.
I have written and had passed the Women’s Healthcare Initiative in 2000, and the law that stopped insurance companies from dragging out payments to doctors indefinitely so doctors could stay in business in this state. The second bill was called the Prompt Pay Bill and was passed in the mid-1990s.