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Life-embracing mother, marketeer and globetrotter (recently diagnosed with cancer) committed to sharing candid, often raw, insights on life
A secretly aspiring writer, Kimberley has recently turned to blogging and a recent diagnosis of bowel cancer has left her with ample fodder to consider.
Her take on life is upbeat, raw, full of dark humour and a smattering of emotion. Her latest blog 'My take on being grateful' is a courageous attempt to find the silver lining in even the darkest clouds.
In recent years (whilst also learning to parent two young children), she has been committed to working on the set up of 'business disability international,' a not-for-profit focused on encouraging global business to collaborate and to change their practice and attitudes to disability, thus catalysing broader social change around the world.
Prior to that, Kimberley spent a successful decade in the corporate world pursuing a career in marketing and strategy, predominantly in pharma, with a touch of FMCG and finance thrown in for good measure.
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