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Survivor Ambassador IKWRO's #RightToKnow campaign to make schools "honour"based violence, forced marriage and FGM safe, Trainee Surgeon with PhD
I am a survivor of "honour" based violence and I grew up under the threat of forced marriage. When I found out about plans for my 16 year old sister to be forced to marry a 40 year old man and the police refused to help us, we ran away and I brought her and our little sister up alone. Life was very tough but I secured a place at university and I am now a trainee surgeon with a PhD. As a Survivor Ambassador for the Iranian & Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (IKWRO), I am supporting the #RightToKnow campaign for every young person to be taught that it's their right not to face "honour" based violence, forced marriage or FGM, to be informed about the support available for them and for all schools to ensure their policies safeguard students against these abuses.