
Lee Healey

Founder of IncomeMax.

IncomeMax provides personal welfare & money advice to vulnerable & low income families.

We help thousands of families to increase their income, reduce bills and deal with debt each year.

We find millions of pounds of missing income for families that we are able to help.

I am a passionate campaigner for a fairer welfare system and provide regular expert commentary and analysis on welfare-related stories for BBC News and Sky News.

I am also the welfare expert on Channel 5 series The Great British Benefits Handout, where families taking part receive £26,000 to try and change their lives and become less reliant on benefits. I provide support before, during and after the programme.

I'm proud to be an Advisory Board Member for Martin Lewis' Money & Mental Health Policy Institute (MMHPI) and a Board Member of the Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG).

For more info visit or find me on social media via Twitter @Income_Max &

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