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Hello there, I have four passions in life, and it is the cross-over of these areas where I am interested most and love to explore most, especially through writing. These areas are the environment (the big ol' world itself), filmmaking (an outlet for all my visual writing), technology (as a scientist at heart I am constantly marvelling and what this industry continues to bring us) and cars, a relatively rogue choice you could say. On HuffPost I will mainly be discussing topics based around the environment, but do not be surprised to read about the modern niches of filmmaking, the needed world of African-technology, or the latest electric hypercar. I am a passionate writer, one who regularly struggles with my own dyslexia and constantly fights to break down stigma against this. I hold my hands up to any grammar mistakes (just send help and wise teachings). I hope you enjoy my writing, Louis
Do you have info to share with HuffPost reporters? Here’s how.