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Executive Director, Founder and Clinical Director, Charter Day Care, Charter Residential and Charter Adolescents
Mandy Saligari is the Clinical Director and founder of Charter Day Care, Residential and Counselling treatment facility in Harley Street, London where she also practices as an addiction and relationship therapist. Mandy has worked in the field of addiction for 20 years, within private rehabs as a group therapist and in a busy private practice in Harley Street and in Kent. She has also lectured as part of the PSHE provision within Independent Schools on addiction, emotional coping mechanisms and self-esteem since the 90s. Mandy is married and has three children under 12. She has Rheumatoid Arthritis which threatened to take her mobility away completely after the birth of her third child 6 years ago. However, true to form, she is now in good recovery and professes to be 'one of the lucky ones'.
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