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Geek - Meditator - Music lover - Meditacious founder
I was born and raised in Mexico city, both my parents are from Belgium and now I have been living in London for over 5 years. Bottom line, there is no short answer for: “Where are you from?”
I’ve been a practising Catholic, I’ve followed and helped a Shaman, but finally my answers were found in Buddhism and meditation. I still struggle, I still fall, but meditation makes it easier to get back on track.
I love technology, I am fascinated by how in just a few years it has evolved and changed the way we communicate, share, interact and live. I don’t consider myself an addict but my wife might disagree.
They say that when you die you mostly regret the things you didn’t do and not the ones you did do. That’s why I left my comfortable job and started my own project: Meditacious.
Meditacious is about using technology to support, inspire and help people establish a regular meditation practice. Find out more!