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VivaKi President EMEA and US Client Services
Started his career in TV, moving into digital in 2000. A founding member of Zenith Interactive Solutions, Zenith's then digital arm, he enjoyed the highs and lows of the digital revolution, leaving Zed in 2005 as Commercial Director. After a couple of years as Marketing Director for ZenithOptimedia Marco moved to Head of Digital for the agency in 2007. A change of scene in 2008 saw him heading off to run media, web dev, digital and Creative at TMP Worldwide.
Currently Managing Director of The VivaKi Nerve Center, EMEA, the future facing digital entity at VivaKi, he focuses on the three core pillars of Technology, Innovation and Partnerships. All these strategies are designed to help power the major agencies of ZenithOptimedia, SMG, Razorfish and Digitas. Core projects include leading the strategy for Ad Exchange trading across the VivaKi agencies and The Pool, the unique global innovation project based around video and tablets. Marco now sits as part of The Global VivaKi Executive Committee.
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