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Chief of Strategic partnerships of UNFPA, has been CSR Manager and President and CEO Unhate Foundation. Professor in International Law
Currently Chief of Strategic Partnerships of UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) Mariarosa has been CSR Manager of Benetton Group, as well as President and CEO of Benetton’s UNHATE Foundation, Mariarosa Cutillo obtained a degree in Advanced International Law from at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Milan in 1995. She has post-graduate specializations in Human Rights and in business administration, with a specific focus on social and environmental sustainability.
Mariarosa Cutillo has served as director of Valore Sociale per l’Impresa Responsabile (a multistakeholder corporate social responsibility organization). On issues relating to corporate sustainability, she has served as a legal expert for various Intitutionsor. She has also worked extensively for the international non-governmental organization Mani Tese.
As regards her academic activity, , Mariarosa Cutillo is presently contract professor in International Law Cases in the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan-Bicocca. She is also senior lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan, Faculties of Law and Political and Social Sciences. In these roles she collaborates with various national and international scientific and academic institutions.
She is the author and co-author of scientific and educational publications and articles on human rights and corporate sustainability issues.