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Founder and CEO of Cass Art
Mark Cass is the CEO of Cass Art and a trustee of the Cass Sculpture Foundation, a British charity devoted to the promotion of 21st British sculpture through public commissions and exhibitions. His family have been involved in art over many generations – his great uncle, Paul Cassirer, was an important art dealer in the 1920s, and was a promoter of the Impressionist movement in Europe.
Mark Cass’s original art store opened in 1984 at 13 Charing Cross Road. This site has been an art store for over 115 years next to the National Gallery. The next store opened in 2001 on Kensington High Street. The Soho store then followed in 2003, Charing Cross in 2004, the Islington Flagship in 2006 which boasts 7,500 square feet of retail space across three floors, Hampstead in 2010 and Kingston in 2012. Most recently they have opened outside of London in Glasgow, Bristol, Liverpool, Brighton and Birmingham.