
Mark Hahnel

Mark Hahnel is the Founder of Figshare, a web-based platform that opens up scientific data to the world, making it available to anyone.

Dr Mark Hahnel, Founder & CEO - Figshare

Mark Hahnel is the Founder of Figshare, a web-based platform that opens up scientific data to the world, making it available to anyone. It allows researchers to manage all their research outputs and make them available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner; academic institutions to manage, disseminate and measure the public impact of all their research outputs, and publishers to host large amounts of data in their online articles with no impact on their infrastructure.

Figshare serves hundreds of thousands of researchers across the world every day to help them meet the key funder requirements around open research data and maximize the impact of their research. It is trusted by leading academic institutions from across the globe and leading academic publishers, including Springer Nature, PLOS and Taylor and Francis use Figshare to display their supplemental material and data in an online format.

Dr Hahnel completed his PhD in stem cell biology at Imperial College London, having previously studied genetics in both Newcastle and Leeds. The idea for Figshare was first born in 2010 while Mark was studying at Imperial College London, before launching in 2012 as a portfolio company of Digital Science. He is a passionate and prominent member of the open science movement and its potential to revolutionise the research community.

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