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Freelance Journalist and Critic
My name is Mark Varley and I'm a freelance Journalist and critic. I currently reside in North Wales and specialise my interest in writing with an in depth at the game and movie industry. I like to write critical reviews for the latest films and games but also informative pieces that dig into the meaning and subtexts behind people's work. I'm especially interested in indie games and their developments. Interviews with indie games publishers allow me explore the ups and downs in making an indie game.
Having graduated with a degree in Journalism at Bangor University, my ultimate goal is to keep improving my writing and establish a successful career in doing so. Most of my previous works can be found on my website at
Away from writing, I love to watch and play sports, tennis being my admiration. I also enjoy taking frequent walks around my local areas as I'm blessed with having Snowdonia at my doorstep.
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