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Matthew Chance is CNN's senior international correspondent based in Moscow. He has reported extensively on major stories for CNN's global news networks from the Middle East, Afghanistan, Russia and Chechnya, Europe and the Far East. Chance was one of the journalists held by forces of Colonel Gaddafi at the Rixos al Nasr hotel in Tripoli, Libya, in August 2011. He reported on Twitter throughout the period of his capture and was live on CNN as the International Committee of the Red Cross finally evacuated the detainees. Chance also led CNN's coverage of the 2008 Russia-Georgia conflict, reporting from the frontlines. With his team, Chance was the only television correspondent to cross from Georgian to Russian territory, filing reports from Tskinvali, the devastated capital of the South Ossetia war zone. When the conflict ended, Chance secured an exclusive interview with the Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin -- the network's first for eight years. Chance also sat down with Russia's president, Dmitry Medvedev, for a one-on-one interview.