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Head of Global Policy and Campaigns, Oxfam
Max Lawson is Oxfam’s Head of Global Policy and Campaigns, working on humanitarian and conflict issues, financing for development, climate change and private sector and development.
Previously Max was Head of Development Finance and Public Service, leading Oxfam's policy work on development finance and on education and health. He studied at the University of Sussex in the UK, and lived and worked for three years in South Africa and then in Malawi.
Max has worked for Oxfam since 2002, firstly in policy support to country programmes, and then in advocacy and campaigns. As part of his country support he has visited and worked with over 25 country programmes across the world. He has experience in organisational development, tax, structural adjustment, aid quantity and quality, macro-economics, governance, agriculture policy, social protection, HIV and AIDS, health, education and water.
In his work for campaigns and advocacy, he has specialised in the World Bank and IMF (International Monetary Fund), and also on the G8 and G20. Max was heavily involved in the Make Poverty History campaign in 2005 and is currently playing a key role in the campaign for a Financial Transaction Tax, or the 'Robin Hood Tax'.
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