
Michael Barton

Author and Illustrator of "It's Raining Cats and Dogs" and "A Different Kettle of Fish", Public Speaker, Musician and Physics Student.

Michael Barton is a final year student studying Physics at the University of Surrey, UK. He is the author of "It's Raining Cats and Dogs" and "A Different Kettle of Fish", both published by Jessica Kingsley.

Michael is an experienced speaker giving talks at conferences, workshops, shows, schools and training sessions about his experiences of being at the high functioning end of the autistic spectrum. He focuses on the positive aspects of being autistic, which gives people a more optimistic view of the future.

Michael is an accomplished musician, playing jazz piano, bass guitar, French horn, drums and percussion (including spoons) with a variety of bands. He is also the President of the University of Surrey Judo club and is a keen rock climber.

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