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4x Olympic Gold Medallist
The best 200/400 metre sprinter in the history of the sport of track & field, Johnson’s progressions through the ranks of track and field were swift and stunning. A dual event world champion, the likes of which were never seen before, he dominated the international scene winning a spectacular 19 international gold medals without a single silver or bronze.
As an athlete, Johnson accomplished many firsts, including becoming the first man ever to be ranked #1 in the world at both 200 metres and 400 metres, the first man to win both events at an Olympic Games and the first man to win consecutive Olympic gold medals in the 400m. Johnson broke the world record for 200m and 400m during his career and retired in 2000 with four Olympic gold medals and nine World Championship gold medals to his name.
Post athletics Johnson has taken the philosophy of success honed during his career and applied it to various business ventures, including Michael Johnson Performance (MJP), a sports performance training company that provides training and consulting to a global spread of professional athletes and sports teams. Through the Positive Track scholarship programme, MJP is further working to identify talented young people based in disadvantaged areas around the world to provide them with a life-changing experience that will positively impact their future in the areas of sporting performance, education and community leadership. He also serves on the board of the Laureus World Sports Academy, whose Sport For Good Foundation seeks to achieve social change through the use of sport for children affected by social and political hardships.