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Michel Maietta is Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Humanitarian and Development department at IRIS. After having led the development of an intelligence unit in Save the Children International, Michel Maietta is now the director of the IARAN (Interagency Regional Analysts Network) –a consortium dedicated to strategic intelligence in the humanitarian sector of which Action Against Hunger and IRIS are founding members. Michel Maietta has considerable experience in the humanitarian and development sectors. Dottore ex Laurea in Political Science from the University « Federico II » of Napoli, Italy, he completed a Master of Science in Geopolitics and International Relations at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) of Toulouse, France. Michel Maietta has extensive field experience with ACF France as Country Director, with Solidarités International as Regional Director and with Sidaction where he has developed and managed a challenging capacity building program to empower HIV/AIDS grassroots organizations in sub-Saharan Africa. A former member of the board of directors of ACF France, Head of Mission at Médecins du Monde, Michel Maietta was an adjunct professor from 2010-2014 at the Institut d’études politiques (IEP) d’Aix-en-Provence and is currently course director at IRIS SUP’ in Paris.