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Reporter and Producer, Kent University alumni, Sports Journalist, QPR fan, Hip-Hop enthusiast.
Hailing from Harlesden, North West London, the Media industry has appealed to Michael from a young age, which humbly started with writing football match reports at the tender age of 8. In order to hone his writing skills, he has completed a BA Hons in English Literature at the University of Kent and is currently finishing up a MA in the same field there too. As website editor at London’s BANG Radio, Michael realised that the media industry is where he wants to ply his trade.
Now a news reporter for London 360, Michael is championing the hidden communities in London and giving a voice to the unheard.
Ultimately, Michael aims to become a well-respected sports journalist specialising in football, boxing and athletics. However, he is also interested in social issues which affect people all across London, as well as the UK.
Do you have info to share with HuffPost reporters? Here’s how.