
Nadav Saadia

Nadav is a marketing strategist and co-founder of travel app Cool Cousin. Find out more at

Nadav Saadia is the co-founder and CMO of new travel app Cool Cousin, which allows travelers to easily get recommendations that suit their personal tastes from like-minded locals.

A creative marketing strategist, Nadav was part of the founding team and later editor in chief of Flix in 2006, which grew to be Israel’s largest video platform. In 2012 he co-founded D.tales, a creative content hub for large Israeli brands focusing on digital presence.

Recent projects have included the “Yes Oh Gallery”, an interactive exhibition inspired by HBO, and Cellcom’s “Volume Festival”, a completely virtual 7-day music festival with some of Israel’s leading artists.

Born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel, Nadav lives with his wide Rony and newest addition to the family, son Mori.

Cool Cousin can be found at:

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