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Mother, determined to pursue legacy of#lifegoesonCJM
Prior to March 2015, my life was a chaotic yet contented combination of being a mother to three growing children,the occasional date night with my husband, working full time,countless trips to the supermarket and fitting in a dog walk or grabbing a coffee on the run... holidays well that's what an overdraft is for! Sadly, the morning of my birthday in 2015 I woke up into a different chaotic, black hole. The knock at the door at 07.30 in the morning from police officers telling me that my eldest son who even at 18 was my baby had been attacked and was fighting for his life.
How can I recover,return to my old life... my baby had been unfairly, brutally and prematurely taken from my chaotic, normal life ?
My life since has changed and is ever changing. Taking me to an unfamiliar world of sadness, desperation and many unanswered questions.