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Aspiring sports writer reading History at the University of Chester
Keeping my hands in lots of different pots has always served me well. I love writing, but about lots of different things; nobody likes the same-old same-old – right?
Primarily, my passion is sport; with Football and Formula 1 being the two that I love. I enjoy writing about them both and have amassed a fairly decent portfolio in my two years of writing for nothing more than gaining a wee by-line.
I am a lifelong Manchester United supporter, season-ticket holder in the Stretford End and local lad. I write for a number of respected blogs in the world of Manchester United including
‘Stretty News’ and enjoy the subsequent banter that is prompted from differing opinion. I have also previously written for the club website and manage
my own Formula 1 blog.
Aside from sport I am a music man, I don’t come from far away, but have been told in recent years that I can play. I’m twenty, but should have probably been born in the mid 1970’s, given that I cite Queen and Guns n’ Roses as my musical lifeblood.
I am about to begin the final year of my History degree, at Chester University, in October; after which I hope to make a right good go at breaking into the world of sports media.
I hope you enjoy what I have to say; I would love to hear your thoughts.