
Nick Armstrong

Media and reputation management partner at City law firm Charles Russell

Nick has specialised for over 20 years in all aspects of media and reputation management law. He is
widely recognised as a leading practitioner in this area. The Chambers Guide recently described him
as “a fantastic strategist who is talented across the board."

Nick’s practice involves media dispute resolution (in particular defamation, privacy and confidentiality),
tackling media issues and securing remedies for claimants, often against social media and other
websites and the press, and defending companies against legal action. Achieving discreet resolution
wherever possible, without the need for litigation is a key aim of Nick’s approach.

Notable clients and recent matters include the following:

· Acting for The FA and for its senior employees including the England manager e.g. for Sven-
Göran Eriksson against the News of the World, prosecuting and successfully resolving a
breach of privacy action (the “fake sheikh” entrapment case).

· Advising ITV, Channel 4, ITN and BSkyB, and also representing household-name actors and
presenters from the channels in relation to unwanted media intrusion and harassment.

· Acting for a leading pop music performer in securing the removal of pornographic photos
from websites across the world; & a leading haute couture designer in eliminating from the
media a series of adverts wrongfully using his identity & brand

· Advising two Premiership football clubs, dealing with untoward press & internet coverage
about the clubs & key individuals, and negotiating closure of a damaging user-content website

· Acting for high profile potential claimants from the world of sport in relation to phone-hacking
by tabloid newspapers, including liaison with Metropolitan Police

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