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Head of Public Affairs and Corporate Communications at Fleishman-Hillard
Nick is a former senior political adviser to the British Labour Party (1993-1997). During the 1997 General Election campaign Nick was seconded to the Labour Party's Campaign Headquarters as a senior political adviser. Nick entered consultancy following the 1997 Election before joining Fleishman-Hillard in 2000.
During the 2001 and 2005 General Election campaigns, Nick worked in Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Office at Labour Party campaign headquarters as part of his Private Office media team.
Nick was appointed as Head of Public Affairs, Fleishman-Hillard London, in 2004; became Partner and Senior Vice President in May 2007 and Head of Public Affairs and Corporate Communications in June 2010 recognising his experience in providing corporate reputational and crisis communications support.
Nick has extensive experience of political, media and reputation campaigns for major international companies and organisations.