
Nishma Jethwa

Human Rights Lawyer & Gender Rights Activist

Nishma is a corporate lawyer turned gender rights activist. After qualifying as a dispute resolution lawyer at one of the biggest law firms in the UK, she quit to work with marginalised communities to increase access to justice for survivors of gender-based violence.

Nishma is currently Director and Legal Counsel at Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights, a women-led legal justice organisation bringing together expertise in human rights, law, academia and various forms of activism. She also acts as Strategy Lead at Shiva Foundation, a corporate foundation working to prevent human trafficking and slavery in the UK. She has worked directly with survivors through her time at the Anti Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit and the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre.

Nishma has travelled extensively, working on various grassroots human rights projects. She researched police powers and the preventive detention laws in India with prominent Indian and US lawyers at the South Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre. And spent time at Aman Biradari, an organisation that fights for both legal and social justice for the victims of the 2002 Gujarat riots. She has also worked at the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute where she contributed to projects based in Russia, South Thailand and Burma.

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