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Guest Writer
Olivia has a deep passion for writing, especially personal essays and profiles that feel authentic and deeply human. Whether she’s unpacking the complexities of her own life or diving into someone else’s story, she’s committed to creating work that resonates and connects with readers. Born and raised in New York, Olivia brings focus and enthusiasm to her work as a freelance writer in NYC. She sharpened her storytelling expertise through roles in corporate publicity at Showtime and Paramount, as well as in production for The Pivot, an Emmy-nominated series. These experiences taught her how to craft compelling narratives with creativity with journalistic precision. Whether she’s pouring her heart into a personal essay or profiling a world-class athlete, Olivia writes with an unfiltered voice and a sharp perspective that makes her work memorable. Now pursuing her Master of Arts in Journalism at NYU, Olivia is refining her craft and learning from industry leaders. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her binge-watching reality TV, diving into a fiction novel, belting out Taylor Swift lyrics, or going on runs with her dog, Bennie.