
Otto de Vries

CEO Association of Southern African Travel Agents (ASATA)

Otto is the CEO of ASATA (Association of Southern African Travel Agents), the Chairman of the World Travel Agents Association Alliance (WTAAA) and is also on the board of the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA). He has been active in the travel industry for almost 30 years, 20 of those in senior management roles in the inbound, retail and wholesale sectors. He is a WTAAA delegate to the IATA Passenger Agency Global Joint Council (PAPGJC). Through the Council, he has participated in a number of sub-committees, including the steering group on NDC Thought Leadership, the Transparency in Payment Advisory Group and the IATA ADM Working Group. Closer to home he actively participates in the National Tourism Stakeholder Forum (NTSF) and through the TBCSA worked on several committees that focused on the B-BBEE Tourism Sector Code amendments; amendments to the South African Immigration Act and the Market Access/ Regulatory Environment Working Committee of the Department of Tourism.

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