
Paul Desson-Baxter

Treasurer of UKPON, Chair Person of Coventry Pride, Co-Chair of Connect the Carillion LGBT Network and a founding member of Coventry LGBT+.

Paul has been passionate LGBT+ activist since coming out at the age of 17. Paul believes in the value of LGBT+ Diversity within our own community by learning about and celebrating all of our beautifully diverse community we are becoming stronger and better placed to combat the day to day inequalities that we all face each and every day.

Paul fervently believes that the only way to achieve LGBT+ equality is through educating both ourselves in the LGBT+ community and also the rest of society about our varied cultures, sub-cultures and also about LGBT+ specific history.

Paul started out on the path to becoming a CoE ordained minister but abandoned that when it became apparent that he could not be both open about his sexuality and also stick to the vows he would have to take, he now works within the construction industry as an Assistant Project Manager.

Paul likes to keep himself busy and to give back to the community as in addition to being Treasurer of UKPON Paul is Chair Person of Coventry Pride, Co-Chair of Connect the Carillion LGBT Network, and a founding member of Coventry LGBT+.

Other than that Paul lives with his partner, has two cats and a dog, generally loves reading history books, watching movies and is a PC gaymer.

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