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The Green Party’s target candidate in the North West for the 2014 European elections
Peter Cranie is a long-standing Green Party activist based in Liverpool, where he helped Liverpool Greens win their first city council seats. Peter is the national Green Party's Home Affairs spokesperson and has previously been its Executive Elections Coordinator.
In 2009 he led the North West Green Party’s bid to win its first European Parliament seat in the region. Peter narrowly missed election – only 5,000 votes out of an electorate of 5 million stood between him and BNP leader, Nick Griffin. The Greens have selected Peter to lead their 2014 European election campaign. He hopes to take the eighth North West seat from the BNP leader and become the region’s first Green MEP. Peter is 41 years old and married with two small children. He has a social work background and currently teaches in further and higher education in Lancashire.
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