
Peter H. Gleick

Guest Writer

Dr. Peter Gleick is renowned the world over as a leading expert, innovator, and communicator on water and climate issues. He co-founded and is president-emeritus of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, California created in 1987 and now one of the most innovative, independent non-governmental organizations addressing global water challenges. Dr. Gleick’s work has redefined water from the realm of engineers to the world of social justice, sustainability, human rights, and integrated thinking. His influence on the field of water has been long and deep: he developed one of the earliest analyses of climate change impacts on water resources, the earliest comprehensive work on water and conflict, and defined basic human needs for water and the human right to water – work that has been used by the UN and in human rights court cases. He pioneered the concept of the “soft path for water,” developed the idea of “peak water,” and has written about the remarkable history and background of the growing bottled water phenomenon. Dr. Gleick is a MacArthur “genius” Fellow, was named “a visionary on the environment” by the BBC, and is an elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Wired Magazine featured Dr. Gleick as “one of 15 people the next President should listen to.” He received his B.S. from Yale University and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Gleick serves on the boards of numerous journals and organizations, and is the author or editor of many scientific papers and eleven books, including the influential series The World’s Water, Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water, as well as A Twenty-First Century U.S. Water Policy.

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