
Philippa Greer

International lawyer and progressive advocate. Kennedy Scholar at Harvard. Currently based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

International lawyer and progressive human rights advocate. Experience on four continents in human rights advocacy, international law, the death penalty, penal reform, criminal justice and equality law issues.

Philippa currently works on international criminal justice issues at the United Nations as a Legal Officer, having served in both East Africa and presently in South East Asia at the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials. She is also a contributor to the London School of Economics and Political Science's Women, Peace and Security Network, focusing on the genocide of the Yazidis perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and a Project Expert of the Hybrid Justice Project at the London School of Economics and Political Science's Institute of Global Affairs, which aims to evaluate the impacts of hybrid courts and tribunals on states and societies in transition.

As Law Clerk to the Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Philippa has worked on a variety of human rights cases in South Africa's apex court. Prior to this, she served as a Legal Fellow and USA Coordinator of Reprieve, an international NGO which works to promote the rule of law around the world and to secure each person’s right to a fair trial, from death row to Guantánamo Bay. In her capacity as USA Coordinator, she specialised in the application of international human rights standards to death penalty cases involving European nationals detained in the United States and overseas.

Philippa's anti-death penalty advocacy has also extended to Pakistan, focusing on anti-torture advocacy and the intersection between global terrorism and the abolition of capital punishment. She has also provided research assistance to a number of law professors at Harvard, including Professor Catherine MacKinnon on sex equality issues and to the Vice-Chair of the International War Crimes Committee of the International Bar Association.

Philippa has served as Primary Editor of the Harvard Human Rights Journal and as a Technical Editor of the Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review. She has been published numerous times in the Juridical Review, the Scots Law Times, the JLSS, the Amicus Journal and the International Bar Association: Young Lawyers, as well as having written law reform articles for the One for Ten Project, the Women’s Support Project and the Zero Tolerance Campaign.

Philippa is a member of the New York Bar and a Matriculated Intrant to the Faculty of Advocates, Scottish Bar.

October 19, 2016
January 23, 2014

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