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Vice-Chancellor of Bath Spa University
Professor Christina Slade is Vice-Chancellor of Bath Spa University
She was previously Dean of the Schools of Arts and of Social Sciences at City University London. She was Dean of Humanities at Macquarie University (2003-8) and Professor of Media Theory at the University of Utrecht in which capacity she led a €1.25 million seven nation EU funded project entitled ‘Media and Citizenship: transnational television cultures reshaping political identities in the EU.’
She trained as a philosopher of logic and language and her research has focussed on issues of the media since 1990. Her monograph, ‘The Real Thing: doing philosophy with media’ (2002) examines the role of reason in the media, while ‘From Migrant to Citizen: testing language, testing culture’, (2010) jointly edited with Martina Möllering, looks at linguistic, legal and philosophical aspects of citizenship testing.
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