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MBA Student, London Business School and founder of Gametastic
Rajal Pitroda is the founder of Gametastic, a gaming company focused on creating educational content that integrates engineering, design and storytelling. She started her career working in technology, but switched gears when a two-week trip to Mumbai led to a two year stay in India. Rajal worked with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), where she was responsible for creating and executing CII's entertainment strategy, with a focus on the Indian film industry. In 2006, Rajal moved to Los Angeles, where she worked for a boutique marketing and distribution company for independent feature films and documentaries. Two years later, she started her own company to create and manage marketing campaigns for movies. Rajal has written a novel set in Bollywood that was published by Harper Collins in 2011. She graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and is currently a Forte Foundation Fellow in the MBA program at London Business School.
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