
Richard Brand


After 40 years as a Presbyterian pastor in five different congregations, I retired in 2008. I graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina in l965 and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1968. I have published sermons and articles in Lectionary Homiletics, Preacher, The Expository Times (published in Scotland), and numerous other magazines. I have been included in Great Sermons, vol. 5, and have contributed to Sermons on the Second Readings, Series 1, Cycle A, (published by CSS Publishing Company) and participated in the devotional book God's Man edited by Don M. Aycock( published by Kregel Publishing Co). I have been chair person of the Vance County Community Foundation; Chair of the Henderson Vance Downtown Development Commission, Chair of the Economic Development Commission. I have chaired the Vance County Democratic Party for 10 years. Several hobbies fill up my time. I do some bookbinding. I participate in the North Raleigh Uke Jam (all ukulele players), and I make a lot of sawdust in my woodworking shop. I still supply preach and I officiate volleyball games. I am married to Elizabeth Pearson Brand and have two grown sons: Vic Brand and Jeff Brand.

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