
Richard Morris

Founder and CEO Heropreneurs

In the summer of 2010, I had the idea of forming an organisation that would transform the ingenuity, the training, skills, and agile thinking of the armed forces community. Twelve months later, Heropreneurs was launched in The River Room in the House of Lords.

Underpinning our work is the belief that as a society, we have a duty of care towards those who have kept us secure, and in some cases, now face a future far different to the one they had intended.

In the past twelve months, Heropreneurs has given evidence on Heropreneurs to the All Party Group on Small Business, senior policy advisers at 10 Downing Street and has gained respect from both Coalition Government defence ministers and the Opposition defence team.

Over the last few years I've become an experienced social enterprise pioneer and among other things developed Bright Ideas Trust along with Apprentice winner Tim Campbell MBE.

I've advised numerous social enterprises including Big Issue Invest on social policy and political affairs and was a committee member at the Centre for Social Justice.

My background is in public affairs and journalism and have written a couple of books. I'm also an elected Fellow of the RSA.

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