
Rico Griffiths-Taitte

An accredited Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, personal development coach, etymologist, metaphysician and author.

Rico Griffiths-Taitte was born in London to Caribbean parents and has always felt a strong connection to his ancient cultural heritage. He had been working in the corporate world for many years when he was suddenly diagnosed with a detached retina; this difficult experience proved to be a powerful revelation which led him to study ancient philosophies. Rico's period of self-discovery inspired him to see how he could help others change their lives through ancient perspectives, and he has since become an authority on ancient views of prosperity. An accredited Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, personal development coach, etymologist and metaphysician, and a member of the Institute of Leaders and Management, Rico founded his own personal development business in 2008. 20/20 You by Rico Griffiths-Taitte (published by Clink Street Publishing 2nd June 2016) is available to buy online from retailers including and to order from all good bookstores.

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