
Roisin McArdle

A mum with two kids, one of whom has Refractory Epilepsy.

Hi, my name is Róisín and my son has epilepsy!

I have a wonderful husband who somehow has put up with my high maintenance and over controlling ways for ten years now (although I think we drive each other mad in equal measures!); and we have two children, a daughter who is 8 and a son who is 7, a Gentleman’s family apparently – or so we have been told on many occasions.

In March 2016 our son Luke was diagnosed with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy, which causes Complex Partial Seizures. We are on a journey together to navigate this new world of Neurology, Consultant visits, Hospital stays and Medication (currently Lamictal, Vimpat and Frisium). Daunting prospect yes, but I know Luke will prevail and my job as his mum is to hold his hand every step of the way and that’s where I will be; by his side, always.


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