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Reporter and Researcher at Casual Workers Advice Office (CWAO)
Ronald Wesso works as a reporter and researcher at Casual Workers Advice Office (CWAO), an NGO based in Germiston focusing on supporting the struggles of labour brokered and other precarious workers. He was previously the Research and Policy Lead at Oxfam South Africa. He started his activism in the movement against Apartheid as a high school student and subsequently as a trade unionist and community activist. He has worked as an activist researcher for the last eleven years. His research focus is land and agrarian studies, and before that, democracy and public power. His broad interest is in crafting research processes that support struggles for progressive social change. He has written on service delivery struggles, land reform and farm labour issues. He has been involved in various initiatives to build autonomous movements of the poor. Ronald is also interested in understanding and supporting feminism. Some of the organisations he has been associated with include Surplus People Project, International Labour Research and Information Group and Feminist Alternatives.