
Rudene Gerber

Author, writer

Rudene was born in Pretoria on 19 November 1961. She spent 18 years as the Radiation Protection Officer of the University of Pretoria (1983-2001) before relocating to Port Alfred to pursue a career in writing. Rudene had one novel published and self-published another. She was a volunteer for the National Sea Rescue Institute as Training Officer and Medic during her 12 years there. She was also approached to be the chairperson of the local SPCA and was that from 2008 to 2012. She also qualified as an SPCA inspector during that time. She opened a book store in Port Alfred in 2001 and sold it in 2012 when she relocated to Johannesburg to study. Rudene completed her BA Health Sciences and Social Services Speciality Psychological Counselling last year and has registered for her Honours degree this year.

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