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Personal Trainer/Musician who's not so manic now
My name is Sarah Blackwood. I am a singer with the band
Dubstar who formed in 1992 in Newcastle. We signed with Food/EMI,had a few chart hits in the 90's, then deciding I wanted to write songs as well as sing them, I co-founded the band Client and did a lot of touring from 2002 -2010. Marching in high heels and tight skirts, we took our brand of electronic music to far flung corners of the globe from Eastern Europe to China and Mexico.
In 2005 I swapped debauchery for a healthier lifestyle and encouraged by my own personal trainers, Tony and Vishal, became one myself. I now work freelance in between music commitments - sometimes with Vishal and Tony, sometimes paying home visits to clients, to make sure they are getting in their weekly squat/sweat quota (yes there is a quota!) in the comfort of their own homes... I continue to get tortured/trained regularly by them myself… my screams of maximum exertion can be heard all over my local area, Highgate in North London!
This blog is just about me: my training experiences, my diet - as I love to cook nice healthy things to eat; and my transformation from chubby chick/alcoholic mess to becoming a lean, mean burpee* machine… firm and focused and everything in between.
It's a confusing industry with so many conflicting theories roaming the internet, and I’m trying to make some sense of it all and share my thoughts and discoveries.
I'm not an athlete, I'm just a girl who likes working out - even if I do need to force myself to do it at times, we all need trainers in this respect! Seriously, much as I love the idea, who can truly look forward to 100 burpees at 7am without some major assistance?!
Physically, I am a permanent work in progress.
But If I can do it anyone can, and if I can inspire just one person with this blog, then that would just make my day.
Not quite Carrie Bradshaw striding the streets of New York City in Manolo’s - but Sarah from Bradshaw, Halifax, Yorkshire, UK. Pull Ups in a Push up Bra!
Thanks for reading.
*Burpee….a truly horribly fantastic full body exercise…. a real fat burner and cardio challenge that will make your entire body feel like battery acid….very popular with military fitness regimes!
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