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CEO and founder of
Simon Dixon is an active Banking Reformer, using his influence in
business, education and politics.
Founder & CEO of, author of the book 'Student To CEO', Simon Dixon spent the early part of his professional career in
the City of London having experience as a stock broker, trader and
investment banker.
Originally trained as an economist, mastering from the University of
Manchester, he now spends his time as a CEO and public speaker,
presenting across financial institutions and universities.
His current role as CEO of, Metal Monkey Private
Equity and Managing Director of consultancy company Benedix keeps him
closely in touch with the financial industry and technological
He is actively involved in campaigning for a fundamental reform of our
banking system and educating all levels on the financial crisis.
As a public speaker, he has presented at financial institutions
including TD Waterhouse, Bloomberg, ODL Securities, Schroders, the
FSSC, the CISI and Man Group to mention a few.
His work with universities includes presentations at London School of
Economics, UCL, Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Business &
Finance, Warwick and most other major universities across the UK.
He has also provided commentary for the BBC, City AM and Investors Chronicle.
Simon Dixon dedicates himself to his personal mission based upon his
belief that banking can truly be reformed by investing in alternative
banking technology, educating the next generation of banking and
finance professionals and marketing the political campaign for banking
To get free training on banking reform or to connect with Simon Dixon
register your details at or fund, borrow,
raise funds and invest the future way create a profile and connect
with Simon Dixon on
Do you have info to share with HuffPost reporters? Here’s how.