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Chief Executive, The Silver Line
Sophie Andrews was appointed as Chief Executive of The Silver Line in September 2012. She joined from the NSPCC where she was Head of Volunteering.
Within two months of taking up her role Sophie successfully launched a pilot scheme across the North West of England, subsequently securing the funding to launch the helpline nationally in November 2013
Sophie’s previous roles include being Deputy Chief Executive of a small campaigning charity, and senior management positions across the private, public, and voluntary sectors. She began her career running call centres for blue chip companies, before moving into the housing sector where she managed residential and nursing homes.
In recognition of her extensive experience in managing and motivating large numbers of staff and volunteers, Sophie was recognised as Voluntary Sector Achiever of the Year at the Women in Public Life Awards in 2011.
Sophie has been a Samaritan volunteer for 25 years and was National Chair of the charity from 2008-2011. Sophie is also a published author and accomplished motivational speaker.
In July 2016, Sophie was shortlisted for the Rising CEO Star in the prestigious Charity Times Awards.
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