
Steve Bennett

Founder of Gemporia

Having had a keen interest in geology since he was at school and previous experience in the jewellery industry, setting up Gemporia with his wife Sarah was a natural move for Steve. With an extensive knowledge of gemstones and a passion for exploration, it wasn’t long before he was discovering stunning gems to make jewellery with.

With Sarah setting the jewellery direction, Steve was able to concentrate all his efforts on gem hunting, ensuring the quality and traceability of every stone used in Gemporia jewellery.

From the beginning, Steve wanted to do business fairly. He has always worked closely with the communities his gemstones are sourced from and is actively involved with charities that improve the health and education of the people he works with.

Today, Steve’s knowledge, together with his continued commitment to quality and his ethical approach to business have led to him winning numerous awards and he has gained wide recognition from within the jewellery industry.

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