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Steven Hill is a journalist and political organizer with over two decades of experience in politics. He is a former senior fellow with the New America Foundation and a Holtzbrinck Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. He is the author of six books, including "Expand Social Security Now: How to Ensure Americans Get the Retirement They Deserve," "Raw Deal: How the 'Uber Economy' and Runaway Capitalism Are Screwing American Workers" and the internationally praised "Europe's Promise: Why the European Way is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age." His previous books include "10 Steps to Repair American Democracy," "Fixing Elections: The Failure of America's Winner Take All Politics" and "Whose Vote Counts" (with Rob Richie). His articles and media interviews have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, CNN, CNBC, BBC, Bloomberg News, C-SPAN, Financial Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Die Zeit, Handelsblatt, Tagesspiegel, Project Syndicate, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, Politico, Ms., Mother Jones, American Prospect, Salon, Slate, NPR, PBS, Democracy Now, The Globalist, Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey), Prague Post, Courrier Japon, Taiwan News, Korea Herald, Toronto Star, India Times, Burma Digest, Egypt Daily News, Fox News, Austrian Public Broadcasting and many others. He lives in San Francisco, CA. He is co-founder of FairVote and former director of the political reform program at the New America Foundation. For more information, visit Steven Hill's website at, and follow him on Twitter @StevenHill1776 and Facebook StevenHill01