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Susannah Birkwood is an award-winning journalist and a global press officer for Africa for the child rights and humanitarian organisation Plan International. She has worked as a journalist for titles including Bloomberg and Third Sector magazine in the UK and Hong Kong and been involved in children-focused community development projects in Costa Rica, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Chile, Mexico and India. She is a fluent Spanish speaker with a passion for using multi-media and storytelling techniques to bring the stories of the world's most marginalised people to the masses. Her work has been published in a variety of national and international news outlets, including the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, The Times, Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters. She has documented stories from across Africa including: the plight of Senegal's "Talibe" child beggars; the stigma faced by Uganda's refugee rape victims; the impact of poor menstruation provision on girls' education in rural Uganda; and the limitations of the global "me too" feminism movement on tackling sexual harassment in Cairo. She won Haymarket Business Media's Outstanding Content Award in 2016 and has featured as an expert commentator on media including BBC News, The One Show and Radio 4. The views expressed in his blogs are her own and do not necessarily represent the views of the organisation she works for.