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Mum to a two-year old, writer of lists and general all round bodacious ranter.
Hi I’m Suzanne and I live by the beach in north Liverpool with my husband and our two-year old daughter. We also have a dog and a cat who were our original children before we realised having pets in nothing like raising real human beings. The cat still hasn’t forgiven us for making her live with a child.
I started my blog – and another ten things - because I love a good list and I love a good laugh so I’ve combined the two to try and make sense of parenting and life. Like all good lives it contains a lot of sarcasm, a little too much swearing and not enough Ryan Gosling.
Please do give my blog a visit at I hope it makes you giggle and if it doesn't then you really should try harder.
Do you have info to share with HuffPost reporters? Here’s how.