
Tehmina Kazi

Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy

Tehmina Kazi took up the position of Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy in May 2009. British Muslims for Secular Democracy aims to raise awareness within British Muslims and the wider public, of democracy particularly ‘secular democracy’ helping to contribute to a shared vision of citizenship (the separation of faith and state, so faiths exert no undue influence on policies and there is a shared public space). It also aims to encourage religious understanding and harmony, respect for different systems of beliefs, and an understanding and celebration of the variety of Muslim cultures, values and traditions which are present in British society.

Prior to joining BMSD, Tehmina was a Project Officer at the Equality and Human Rights Commission, where she worked on a ground-breaking inquiry into the Human Rights Act and its impact on public service delivery, undertaking research, writing policy briefings, facilitating focus groups and interviewing victims of human rights violations. She also co-organised the first awards ceremony of its kind to acknowledge the achievements of the UK’s most powerful Muslim women, which received widespread coverage in the national press.

Tehmina has done extensive research on domestic and international human rights issues, particularly the detention of foreign nationals and violence against women in South Asia. Tehmina regularly contributes to debates and forums on civil liberties and foreign policy. Her articles have been published in a wide variety of newspapers and blogs.

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